Welcome to this, our first attempt at a Blog. We hope it works well.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wyndham to Big Horse Creek to Katherine

Tuesday we had an early morning greeting from our furry friend as we prepared to travel to Big Horse Creek Rest Area near Timber Creek. Here we met Lance and Dell who had saved the last site for us - thank you! We walked down to Big Horse Creek (flows into the Victoria River at our campsite) then shared an enjoyable dinner around the campfire - Lance even shared his dessert with Phil!!
Wednesday we broke camp and headed for Katherine. Morning tea was under the majestic escarpments of Joes Creek Rest Area where we said our farewells and went our separate ways. We were fortunate to score the second last site at the Big 4 at Katherine - it must be a combination of school holidays and those baby boomer grey nomads who are a real pain.......We are here for a rest for two nights. We have had lunch so we are off for a swim!

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