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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mt Isa

Oops, made a mistake! We think we have taken a wrong turn and come too far south! Electric blanket overnight?? This is outrageous!
The last site in the park is 'down the back, in the BBQ area' which happened to be just fine by us.
We visited the Information Centre which seems to cover almost everything. Under the one roof they have the Riversleigh Fossil Centre, Underground Mine, Museum and Outback Park.
The Fossil Centre was really interesting and included a presentation by the resident paleontologist - this whet our appetite for a visit to Lawn Hill and Riversleigh on our next tour a couple of years hence.
Off to do a little shopping, lunch and a trip to the City Lookout. One of the mines is very close to the city and separated from it by the Leichhardt River - historically the community was divided into the 'Mine-side' residents and the 'Town-side' people and even had separate hospitals. This is no longer a 'mine town' and is quite a buzzing city.

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