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Saturday, July 3, 2010


Whilst a storm threatened this morning it did not eventuate - it is a mild 24 degrees and overcast so we went for a drive rather than snorkel. We drove into Cape Range National Park to the Visitor Centre to view impressive displays on the Ningaloo Marine Park, to Neds Camp for a view of the bay, to the Vlaming Lighthouse Lookout for a view out over the Indian Ocean and the North West Cape Navy Communication Station, to the new Marine Village which is slowly being developed (this was well under way when we last visited in 2005 and they seem to be having trouble selling the land - property is very expensive here with very ordinary houses costing hundreds of thousands more than in Sydney) and on to Bundegi for a view of Exmouth Gulf where large ocean liners frequently off-load tourists.
This is our last day in Exmouth - tomorrow we begin our journey towards home.

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