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Friday, July 2, 2010

Exmouth - Whale Shark Adventure

What an excellent day!
We were picked up at 7:30am and taken to the 'Seaspray' for our whale shark adventure. Where were all the people our age? - we were the only over 60's! The first activity was a snorkel in the lagoon to gauge our capabilities. We all passed!
We then left the lagoon for the open sea and waited for the spotter plane to find whale sharks - the first find was not whale sharks but Manta-Ray. As we slipped quietly into the water we found ourselves in the middle of tens of these creatures - they would very calmy swim all around us, sometimes straight toward us and then at the last minute glide away - this was probably the highlight of the day. We then received the news that a whale shark had been sighted so once again we jumped in - only ten in the water at a time and we formed a guard of honour as the large creature continued on its way. Lyn and I are in the top right hand corner in the short wet suits. This was repeated 3 or 4 times as we heard that another had been sighted.
Lunch followed and then we settled back for the trip home - we stopped many times to watch Humpback whales having a whale of a time.
We eventually arrived home around 5pm and we are very tired - I think tomorrow might be a rest day!

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