Welcome to this, our first attempt at a Blog. We hope it works well.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Just before 9am we joined the short queue for the three gorges cruise in Nitmiluk National Park. At the end of each gorge the water cascades over rocks so it is then a short walk to the next boat in the next gorge. It is quite a beautiful place and at the end of the third gorge we find Lily's Pool and waterfall - we had a very welcome swim and morning tea here.
The trip took just over 4 hours and is well worth it.
A little shopping then back to the van for a quiet afternoon.


  1. I have tried several times to get this through. Hope it works. We enjoyed your video on the water crossing. Daring stuff! the photos show the area to be so lush and green. Your trip has reminded us of our first venture when I reired and I can recall how beautiful the gorges are. We had some Japanese tourists negotiating one gorge in kayaks. Hilarious as they had no idea how to steer. No wonder they lost the war! I spent some time in Tennant Creek way back working on a copper process for Peko Wallsend. I don't recall a aboriginal centre there but I do recall everyone played bridge. Maybe if I had started then. What do the outback mob think of Kevin? Regards,
    Peter L

  2. I am not sure what the locals think but I am not reading ANYTHING positive in the media. I would not be surprised if they lose the election - I think they have stuffed it!
    Gee you have slept in many places - is that what 'sleeping around' means?
    Many thanks for your message - hope all is well back there.
