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Friday, June 25, 2010

Port Hedland to Karijini to Newman

Tuesday we left Port Hedland and drove to Dales Campground in Karijini National Park - we set up in the generator section to help power our 4WD freezer. We explored some of the beautiful areas including Fortescue Falls and the Circular Pool.
Wednesday we headed for the jewels of Karijini along a corrugated dirt road which had not been graded - in places it was quite rough. We saw many gorges and waterfalls and marvelled at the stunning view at Oxer's Lookout. It must be incredible after heavy rain when all the gorges run with white water.
Thursday we walked to Fortescue Falls which were quite beautiful in the morning light - a little further on we came to Fern Pool and enjoyed a refreshing swim. We then drove to Mt Bruce for a view of the surrounding area and a local mine. On the way home we heard the news that Julia Gillard was the new Prime Minister.
Friday we set off early for Newman to book into a mine tour on Saturday. We are here for two nights.

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